Wiccans have always been a beast of their own, from their humble beginnings with Andrew Savage (Parquet Courts) to their ever-evolving hardcore-kissed sound on Skullduggery and Field II. In a realm where convention can be both rewarded and derided, Wiccans have been able to create a sound all their own. The band's new offering, Sailing a Crazy Ship, is the latest in their evolution and another beast unto itself. Maybe the wildest one.

Wiccans features members of Radioactivity, Institute, Bad Sports, Video and so much more, all bands that occupy many places within the wide spectrum of punk. This diversity is a strength, leading Sailing a Crazy Ship down a path that nods to everything from Void to My War-era Black Flag and Annihilation Time, with its readily apparent reverence for dueling leads and riffs over three-chord-sawing. This Ship is strong, wrapping calloused hands around the neck, exhibiting a ferocity and paranoia that is usually reserved for a band's first demo, let alone their third LP. Stream it in full below.

Sailing a Crazy Ship was recorded by Mark Ryan and Jeff Burke (both Marked Men / Radioactivity) and hits on June 9 via Dull Tools. Order yours, and make sure to check out our interview with vocalist Adam Cahoon, also of Institute.