Teenage Wasteland is the latest musical endeavor of Landon Maloney, best known as the guitarist for Delaware rock outfit Tracy Chapstick. Two summers ago, amidst a period of heartbreak, he decided that the time was nigh for an artistic rebirth and started working on new material at home (and occasionally, his favorite bar); the rest of Teenage Wasteland enlisted shortly thereafter. Now, the lo-fi rock crew is gearing up to release their debut EP, 2016 / what you once were; it hits shelves March 10 via Yellow K. Stream the release's heartfelt first single, "What You Once Were," below. Maloney elaborates:

'What You Once Were' was written at a time when I really desired to love someone the best way I could and wanted to be as close to them as possible, which required a lot of self-reflection on my past relationships and my ability to make good or bad decisions — more so, the latter. I needed to write the closure that I never really got from someone who was once the most important thing in the world to me.