Converge's Jane Doe will go down as one of metalcore's most influential records of all time. It's become the centerpiece of the Salem, Mass., group's output, frontman Jake Bannon's cover art remaining iconic for the genre. The band is set to pay tribute to the 2001 masterpiece with their upcoming Jane Live, a recording of their 2016 Roadburn appearance in which they played the entire LP in sequence. While a lot of bands will put out filler from a live album first, Converge went all out in dropping the absolutely huge title track as the first sample of the release. It gives a good hint as to what Jane Live is going to be about: familiar guitar leads and sections sounding more evolved 16 years later as a result of constant live iteration. It's going to be an intense take on the fan favorite, one that shouldn't be missed.

Hear "Jane Doe" below, and pre-order the record from the band's merch store.