Crying Virgins Rule: Good Bands Telling Bad Jokes Digest IX
You have a lot of quiet time to yourself when you're a touring musician. A. LOT. So many bands break up the extreme bouts of boredom by having a group of zingers on hand to keep things fun and interesting. Ever since our launch, we've been going to your favorite musicians and getting them to tell the absolute worst jokes they can come up with, as part of our aptly titled Good Bands Telling Bad Jokes series. We spread these jokes out across our Facebook and Twitter pages, putting out a joke a day, but now we've got a nice collection for you to sink your teeth into on our YouTube page. For our latest GBTBJ Digest, we've collected names like Weyes Blood, Code Orange, Bruce Lamont, Minsk and the Men to all lend some jokes. Some work and some don't work almost to the level of working again. Check out the video below for jokes about washing machines, flamingos, pterodactyls and perverted frogs.