Father John Misty Sings Ridiculous Ode to USA for Adult Swim
America is a pretty goofy place, isn't it? With each new day, it seems as though our reality is becoming some fucked-up science fiction tale. In case you were afraid of being the only person with these anxieties, fret not, as everyone's favorite folk goofball, Father John Misty, has recorded a new song about how fucking weird this country is.
His new song, "This Is America," was recorded for the Adult Swim program Brad Neely’s Harg Nallin’ Sclopio Peepio, an animated sketch comedy show with all the wackiness you'd expect from the programming block. Misty's song is about all the weird-ass ways people have died in the country, from half-nude Batmen dying with magazines in their hands to flaming piles of Go-Gurt leading to doom and, really, a lot of horrible Go-Gurt-related deaths. Because what's more American than tube-shaped foods?