Die Choking Attack Trump, Clinton in ‘Dead Figurehead’ Video
Apologies to Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton: If the new video for "Dead Figurehead" is any indication, Die Choking probably won't be checking either one of your names on the ballot. The Philadelphia grindcore posse just dropped a jarring visual for "Dead Figurehead," the politically-minded III track that takes a bipartisan approach to brutality, and CLRVYNT's got the premiere.
Together with directors Mitchell Luna and Josh Mahesh, Die Choking spit in the face of American exceptionalism and electoral complacency, depicting the most important domestic figureheads of the past century (Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, etc.) beaming alongside the usual basket of political deplorables (Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein). We're also treated to grotesque, distorted imagery of both candidates and, at one point, a perplexing visit from a three-eyed former New York Governor George Pataki (who just so happens to have a thumb coming out of his nose).
Despite the ample gross-outs, Die Choking's latest video isn't about shock value — it's about waking the hell up and smelling the sweet, rancid fumes emanating from our collective dumpster fire, which grows stronger by the day. But don't take my word for it; scroll down for the band's take on "Dead Figurehead" and its accompanying video, plus a tour itinerary!
Die Choking released III last year via The Compound.
Dead Figurehead is a fuck-off to intolerance and pushes against the rising neofascism we are seeing in the US right now.
There is a transparency and widespread popular criticism of American politics that we haven't really seen since the 1960’s. The current candidacy has been an eye-opening mirror for Americans. In the end, it seems elected politicians are frequently not the leaders we want or need. Unfortunately, they may be the leaders we deserve.
End nationalism.
End hateful racist, sexist and homophobic divisions.
End the corrupt mass-media propaganda machines.
End corporate personhood.
End economically driven militaristic intervention.
End the corrupt and pseudo-militaristic conditions within state and local law enforcement.
End the war on nature.
End the failed war on drugs.
End terrorism by taking a hard look at ourselves.
End farts.
End ends.
Oct. 9 — Philadelphia, PA @ Pilam %
Oct. 12 — Baltimore, MD – @ Sidebar #
Oct. 20 — Allentown, PA @ Good Weekend *
Oct. 21 — Philadelphia, PA @ Shred Shed *
Oct. 22 — New York, NY @ Silent Barn *
Oct. 23 — Richmond, VA @ Gallery 5 *
Oct. 24 — Virginia Beach, VA @ Riffhouse Pub *
Oct. 25 — Raleigh, NC @ Slims *
Oct. 26 — Charlotte, NC @ The Station *
Oct. 27 — Columbia, SC @ New Brookland Tavern *
Oct. 28 — Atlanta, GA @ 529 *
Oct. 29 — Jacksonville, FL @ Rain Dogs *
Oct. 30 — Gainesville, FL @ The Atlantic (The Fest 15) *
% w/Noisear, Mother Brain
# w/ Gadget, Vermin Womb
* with Department of Corrections