Howie Abrams

Digital Octopus Synths Up Cheesy Electro Takes on Hardcore Classics
On masterminding a 'gay-friendly disco cover created by a Jew to make fun of Skrewdriver.'

14 Terrible Hardcore Album Covers
Sometimes, flames, spirals and stroke victims aren't cool.

How H.R. From Bad Brains Recorded ‘Sacred Love’ From Jail
'He’s in the slammer for pot, and he's smoking his Bible!'

Pondering in the Pit: 17 Essential Post-Hardcore LPs
From the Faith and Hüsker Dü all the way to ATDI and the DEP, catch up on over 20 years of the subgenre.

These Hardcore Videos Changed Music as We Knew It, Forever
Fourteen years' worth of the surreal visual mainstreaming of hardcore.