Bid on a Piece of History: A Fred Durst-Signed Sega Dreamcast
Sega's final video game console, the Dreamcast, was simultaneously ahead of its time and the nail in the coffin for their console division. Most people remember the clean, white box for its selection of games both mainstream and cult, like Sonic Adventure, Soulcalibur, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio and more. But, perhaps even more infamous than the games library is Sega's truly legendary marketing collaboration with Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit.
The two have a storied history, including a magazine advert where Durst reminded any players that he will lay waste to them on SegaNet. (Not to mention Sega's then-VP of Marketing, Julia Miller, presciently observing, "Limp Bizkit fans are parallel with our core audience of online gamers.") In addition, pictures have been passed around the internet showing Durst signing rows of Dreamcasts, part of a campaign where he would battle other players in their UFC game. Today, you can bid on one of these items, a celebration of all that was innocent and pure in the early 2000s. Auctions like this do not come along often; in fact, owning one of these is a lot like owning the Declaration of Independence, a similar historical document filled with so much power and significance that you'd be a fool not to drop a grand on one of these.