Brad Cohan

How Tori Amos Inspired Kelly Moran to Follow Her Piano Dreams
Four records that influenced prepared piano expert Kelly Moran.

Twerk to Yowie’s Dancey, Palindromic ‘Ineffable Dolphin Communion’
'In 100 years, on Mars, humanoid creatures will be twerking to this track. It will never go out of style. Twerking to this track is like blue jeans.'

Mind Over Mirrors Go From One-Man Operation to Full-On Band
He started with the man in the mirror.

How Ben Chasny of Six Organs of Admittance Made His ‘Chicago Record’
The guitarist is running a very different kind of numbers game.

Peter Hook’s Memoir Traces the Genius and Debauchery of New Order
'I think the worst crime [Bernard Sumner] committed ... was the fact that he dispatched 35 years of New Order’s career in 100 pages, and 69 of them were slagging me off.'

The Pop Group Took 35 Years Between LPs and Stayed Relevant
'Trent Reznor said I invented industrial. Somebody else in Bristol says I invented trip-hop on the same f*cking tune. You don’t get into that sh*t, because if you start thinking about something like that, you won’t make something new.'

How Dazzling Killmen Merged Avant-Garde Jazz and Punk Fury
'We kind of prided ourselves on looking normal and unremarkable and then becoming these superheroes on stage.'

How Helen Money Went From Power-Pop to Doom Metal
'Metal fans are kind of like jazz fans in a way, [in] that they really know their sh*t.'

‘Classic Rock Guy’ Dean Ween Talks First-Ever Solo Album
Dean Ween's genre-smashing solo debut 'The Deaner Album' allows Mickey Melchiondo to use a star-studded cast of friends from Funkadelic, Moistboyz and more.

How SUMAC Arrived at Its Experi-Metal Bludgeon
Aaron Turner takes pleasure in "mangling the form."